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Na základě facebookové výzvy v jižní Africe tamější nadšenci uháčkovali šálu o délce 27 kilometrů.

Kathryn Vercillo: Saved My Life: The Mental and Physical Health Benefits of Crochet

Pokud se chcete pocvičit v angličtině a zároveň se dozvědět něco o tom, jak háčkování (a ruční práce vůbec) prospívají duševnímu zdraví, pak se vypravte sem. Anotace se někomu může zdát poněkud americky vyhrocená, ale tím se nedejte odradit: Kathryn Vercillo toho ví o háčkování opravdu spoustu.

Regresivní vývoj zachycený  v jednotlivých granny square háčkovaných pacientkou s Alzheimerovou chorobou.

The Captain, in a wig, generally sat in a corner chair with arms to it, never doing anything that ever I saw. He was old and getting frail, eighty-five or eighty-six, I believe. Sometimes when he was not well he wore a plaid cloak, and a nightcap, red or white, made by his industrious wife in a stitch she called shepherd's knitting; it was done with a little hook which she manufactured for herself out of the tooth of an old tortoise-shell comb, and she used to go on looping her homespun wool as quick as fingers could move, making not only caps, but drawers and waistcoats for winter wear for the old husband she took such care of.


Elizabeth Grant, Memoirs of a Highland Lady, a recollection from 1812/13. 

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